Design & BIM
BIM (Building Information Modelling) has been around for a long time, although it has been evolving throughout the years in its software, capacity, standards and methodology, it is a perfect way to develop a project.
When creating a BIM project, we can refer to it as parameters and data science, with the correct workflow for all the project we can develop multiple operations that help and support the scope of a project, such as 3D models, simulation 4D, quantities 5D, creating drawings and more. Now days with skills such as programming the possibilities increase.
Let’s look BIM in a different way, BIM is basically geometry that has information on it, this information can be related to geometry itself or to specific data that is needed to know the characteristics of an element, when all this geometry is collected in can be use as a Data Base where the information becomes fundamental. If we apply programming skills to a project such as python or C# we make the power of traditional BIM to go further.
BIM gives absolute comprehension of a project, it helps with coordination, with time delivery but for those who are operating with programming technologies BIM radically transform into a deeper and more powerful method to work with, where the value of the project can be seen as innovation, improving the type of information it can be deliver to the client.
As everything evolves, BIM keeps changing so does technology but with the correct team and methodology this process is and will be capable to support all aspects of the life cycle project. Working with this workflow makes the complexity of the project fully readable.