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Stadiums are meant to have probably the biggest events in the world from sports to concerts, to massive gatherings, a type of building that will provide space to have an unforgettable experience, but behind the scenes a stadium contains a high level of complexity to properly operate. This is the reason that building a project with this impact nowadays requires great technology, data science and BIM development.

Imagine what is behind the support of thousands of people to converge in one place at one moment in specific, when we translate this to a building, we are talking about thousands of elements to be install and coordinate to have perfect synchronization between them, playing with lots of regulations for safety and comfort for the users to live this unique moment in their life.

When developing these models, we are talking at least and exponential number for contractors to keep track for FM (facility management), so when adding and mapping data to the model scripting becomes a powerful tool, to create a system that helps with QAQC for the data in the model. Parameters exist for a reason and the way to understand a project with this complexity is essential to be able to summarize and inject data for coordination of multiple disciplines.

COBie development was done by the use of Dynamo while at the same time the latest construction model was being develop, assuring all elements that were added to the model have consistent data and information, the importance of time is crucial for these projects as well as high control of geometry elements by the use of parametrization.

For the extraction of construction documents a full system of sheets was develop allowing the teams to exceed the numbers of drawings expected, when using automation, a sequence is important to succeed, the control and use of parameters for drawings help to have consistency between graphics and the information that needs to be displayed.

It is highly difficult to imagine the development of this project without using all the advantages that BIM methodology brings to the game, where an experience becomes information and data.

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